Understanding the Prison Industrial Complex as a transnational system

What does the school-to-prison pipeline have to do with Israeli occupation?
Understanding the Prison Industrial Complex as a transnational system

The Providence Alliance for Student Safety is an intergenerational coalition, made up of several youth-centered organizations, all fighting for the removal of police from Rhode Island schools. Over the last month, in collaboration with PSU and PrYSM, we’ve been conducting political education workshops to build and bolster our analysis of policing. This week, in light of the ongoing massacres, we led a workshop on how our struggles (from Rhode Island to Palestine) are all interconnected, via the transnational Prison Industrial Complex. Youth learnt about how:

  • The Prison Industrial Complex generates profit (via private prisons, police equipment, detention centers, and more) by turning people into criminals and incarcerating them

  • The same powers that profit off the criminalization of American youth are also benefiting from the oppression of Palestinian civilians 

  • The fights for American civil rights and Palestinian liberation have been linked since the 1970s

Members had the space to ask questions, share their emotions, and then take action, by writing letters and testimonies forPalestine. Some of these are pictured below.