Race, ethnicity, land justice, and... quahogs??

Over these last 2 weeks, our high schoolers have been exploring their identity, hxstory, and issues that matter to them through the lens of Ethnic Studies.

Ethnic studies is an interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity with an emphasis on the experiences of people of color in the United States. Ethnic studies is also a practice of love and holistic humanity.

And as usual, learning happens both in and out of the classroom, as we learn through with and from our BIPOC community members. This year, we were fortunate enough to be hosted by Movement Ground Farm for a day of foraging clams, using Indigenous techniques. Our youth learnt about both land and food justice, all while being in physical relation with the environment. Huge thank you to Kohei Ishihara for having a vision and allowing us to be part of it.

To top it all off, we were treated to the masterful cooking of the one and only Sarath Suong, our board member and favorite chef!

For more information about ARISE’s annual Ethnic Studies program, click here.